Тогда полный текст программы, вместе с фоном (фон двойной, сначала -волны в пространстве, а в последнюю очередь накладывается фон из дальних рассеянных звезд).
Dim j As Integer
Dim x0, y0, xx, yy, yy1, r1, k, k1, red, green, blue, p, r, r11 As Currency
Dim c, c1, dx, dy As Integer
pi = 3.141593
Picture1.DrawStyle = 2
Picture1.DrawWidth = 1
r1 = 100
r11 = 200
r = 5
r2 = 10
c = 32
c1 = 62
k1 = 1
'==== fon=====
y0 = -1900
x0 = -1960
dx = 155
dy = 155
'x0 = 0
i = 1
c0 = 255
c00 = 134
c1 = 0
c2 = 255
For k = k1 To 440 Step 30
For i = 1 To 110 * k Step 3
red = 255 * Abs(k1 / (22 * i)) + 62
green = 255 * Abs(Sin((k1 / 280))) ' + 12
blue = 70 * Abs(Sin((i / 280))) + 92
xx = i
'xx = x0 + Cos(i * rad) * r1
yy = r + Abs(Sin(i * rad + pi * k + c) ^ 3 * r1)
yy1 = r + (Sin(i * rad + pi * k + c1) ^ 1 * r11)
'Picture1.PSet (yy1 + y0, xx + x0), RGB(green, blue, red)
'Picture1.PSet (yy1 + y0, xx + x0 + 10), RGB(red, green, blue)
Picture1.Line (yy1 + y0, xx + x0)-Step(dx, dy), RGB(red, green, blue)
Picture1.PSet (yy1 + y0, xx + x0), RGB(red, green, blue)
'Picture1.Line (yy1 + y0, xx + x0)-Step(dx, dy), RGB(c0, c1, c2)
'Picture1.PSet (yy1 + y0, xx + x0), RGB(c0, c1, c2)
red = 255 * Abs(k1 / (22 * i)) + 12
green = 255 * Abs(Sin((k1 / 280))) + 12
blue = 70 * Abs(Sin((i / 280))) + 12
'Picture1.Line (yy1 + y0, xx + x0 + 10)-Step(dx, dy), RGB(red, green, blue)
Picture1.Line (xx + x0, yy + y0 + 15)-Step(dx, dy), RGB(red, green, blue)
'Picture1.PSet (xx + x0, yy + y0 + 25), RGB(0, 255, 0)
'Picture1.PSet (xx + x0, yy1 + y0), RGB(green, blue, red)
c00 = c0
c0 = c2
c2 = c1
c1 = c00 '- c1
r2 = r2 - 0.2
'x0 = x0 + pi * k
'y0 = i '* k
Next i
'x0 = x0 + pi * k
y0 = y0 + pi * k
Next k
Picture1.DrawWidth = 1
Picture1.DrawStyle = 1
pi = 3.141593
y00 = 200
x00 = 0
' rr = 2
dx = 1
dy = 1
xmax = 250
ymax = 200
c0 = 255
c00 = 134
c1 = 0
c2 = 255
r0 = 110
For t = 0 To 60 Step 0.0025 ' 90'180
rr = r0 + 260 * Cos(t * 0.01) ^ 8 + 390 * Sin(t * 17.125) ^ 5
'rr = r0 + 260 * Cos(t * 0.51) ^ 8 + 90 * Sin(t * 18.125) ^ 8
'rr = r0 + 260 * Cos(t * 0.01) ^ 8 + 190 * Sin(t * 18.125) ^ 8
'rr = r0 + 260 * Cos(t * 0.01) ^ 1 + 90 * Sin(t * 18.125) ^ 7
'x0 = rr * Sin(0.99 * t) - 0.7 * Cos(3.01 * t)
'y0 = rr * Cos(1.01 * t) + 0.1 * Sin(15.03 * t)
x0 = rr * Sin(0.995 * t) + 0.66 * Cos(2# * t)
y0 = rr * Cos(1.005 * t) - 0.05 * Sin(15.075 * t)
'x0 = rr * Sin(0.995 * t) + 0.66 * Cos(2# * t)
'x0 = rr * Cos(1.995 * t) + 0.65 * Cos(2.2 * t)
' spiral
'x0 = rr * Cos(0.995 * t) + 0.65 * Cos(2.2 * t) '
' y0 = rr * Cos(1.005 * t) - 0.05 * Sin(19.075 * t)
i = 1 * x0 + xmax
j = 1 * y0 + ymax
Picture1.DrawWidth = 1
'Picture1.PSet (i + x00 + 10, j - y00 - 10), RGB(155, 155, 255)
Picture1.Line (i + x00, j - y00)-Step(dx, dy), RGB(55, 155, 255), BF
Picture1.DrawWidth = 2
Picture1.PSet (i + x00 + 10, j - y00 - 10), RGB(c0, c1, c2)
'Picture1.Line (i + x00, j - y00)-Step(dx, dy), RGB(c0, c1, c2), B 'F
'Picture1.PSet (i + x00, -j + y00), RGB(c0, c1, c2)
c00 = c0
c0 = c2
c2 = c1
c1 = c00 '- c1
Next t
'=== stars====
Picture1.DrawWidth = 2
For i1 = 0 To 100
x2 = Rnd(150) * 2000
y2 = Rnd(150) * 2000
Picture1.PSet (x2, -y2), RGB(255, 255, 255)
Picture1.PSet (x2, y2), RGB(255, 255, 255)
Picture1.PSet (-x2, -y2), RGB(255, 255, 255)
Picture1.PSet (-x2, y2), RGB(255, 255, 255)
Picture1.DrawWidth = 1
For i1 = 0 To 200
x2 = Rnd(50) * 1000
y2 = Rnd(50) * 1000
Picture1.PSet (x2, -y2), RGB(255, 255, 255)
Picture1.PSet (x2, y2), RGB(255, 255, 255)
Picture1.PSet (-x2, -y2), RGB(255, 255, 255)
Picture1.PSet (-x2, y2), RGB(255, 255, 255)
End Sub
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Голубой Оъект Вселенной
(раскрывается медленно)